An impressive collection of absurd thoughts
When I first heard about the ITV series "Primeval" my little paleozoologist-heart made a big jump like "Cool, they made a series just for me! Jurassic park on weekly episodes!" but I was so wrong about it.
The story behind "Primeval" is that time teleports bring "monsters" of all time eras to the present time and a team of evolutionary scientists has to bring them back through the "anomalies" and find out what causes them. It might actually be a great thing for a series for unfortunaly the fun is kind of disturbed by amateur animations and a strange confusing story that wraps it all up.
The first season ended in kind of a total mess and every single fan will have thought "How do they wanna fix that again?". The answer was easy, "Primeval" left the screen and went back to the papers of the producers. They worked on it a while and when it came back it was like it had never disappeared. They even brought the character back in that had disappeared at the end of the first season, just as someone else. But for the ones who thought, it would come back better than before it must have been a shock when they saw the even worse animated "monsters" of the new season. While season one tried to stay realistic, season two turned out to be full of maneating mean animals from past and future and some that actually never existed as shown.
It was really kinda disappointing. I do still watch it and wait for the third season because it is still the only good thing for a dino nerd to watch but for real, it could have been done better!
"Primeval" brings us great actors ( Douglas Henshall, Hannah Spearritt, James Murray, Andrew-Lee Potts and a few more) , nice made up characters, a creative story and long gone animals back to screen but it became more like a scifi series than one based on actual time eras.
Open questions: Why do all the anomalies appear in London? Why are all the characters sporty when they are actually scientists who are supposed to sit in labs? How did they get the mammoth in the second season into the research building?
The story behind "Primeval" is that time teleports bring "monsters" of all time eras to the present time and a team of evolutionary scientists has to bring them back through the "anomalies" and find out what causes them. It might actually be a great thing for a series for unfortunaly the fun is kind of disturbed by amateur animations and a strange confusing story that wraps it all up.
It was really kinda disappointing. I do still watch it and wait for the third season because it is still the only good thing for a dino nerd to watch but for real, it could have been done better!
Open questions: Why do all the anomalies appear in London? Why are all the characters sporty when they are actually scientists who are supposed to sit in labs? How did they get the mammoth in the second season into the research building?
I don't want to appear bad or anything but I want to point a few things out:
Okay, not all the anomalies appear in London, the forest of Dean is not no where near London. I'm guessing you're from America then. Also, the CGI is better than most other TV shows we get here in the UK (take Merlin for example, now that dragon made me wet myself laughing).
The beginning or series 2 (where Lucy Brown returned) was actually a good plot twist, if you think about it. If you messed with time then what happens if someone goes missing? What happens if they came back a completely different person? etc you get the idea. Probably looks better on paper. Not to mention in England we had to wait a year after that clifhanger to see what happened, clifhanger + anticipation = excitement, what ever the outcome.
Also the production company have a limited time and low budget, give them some credit.
Thanks, GPR
See, don't get me wrong. It's one of my alltime fav series so far, it's just I didn't really like the animations and the story line of the second season.
And nah we r not Americans either :D Ghanoo is Algerian and I am Algerian living in Germany, soon moving to Canada.
Actually I may have pointed out the bad side a bit too much - I still love the series ;)
Greetz and thnx for ya comment
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