
Tales from the darkside - A TV series classic

„Man lives in what he believes to be reality. BUT there is another world, just as real as ours but not as brightly lighten – a daaark side.“

That is how „Tales from the Darkside“ welcomes you in every single episode you like to watch. It is one of the greatest mystery series ever shot, especially because it usually includes some kind of humor. Even though it is from the 80s it is still creepy, funny and sometimes quite surprising!

There is the man who is haunted by a gnome when he refuses to give out sweets at Halloween. An other one has some kind of volcano in his cellar from one minute to the next and some alien woman comes out telling him she knew how to stop the time. A guy is getting a computer for his birthday with which he can change reality, make his hated son disappear and get a perfect family – if only he was fast enough. A writer is told by some kind of magician to surround himself by animals to write a bestseller and starts keeping lions, foxes, goats, pigs and others in his living room from the moment on and an illusionist is showing a kid how to levitate. In nearly a hundered episodes we get to know the mysteries of the so called “darkside”.

Unfortunaly, at least I didn't find so, there's no DVD released on this series yet but its still available on VHS and watchable on TV – if you get the chance: watch it!

“The dark side is always there. Waiting for us to enter - Waiting to enter us! Until next time, try to enjoy the daylight!”

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